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“Landscape, law and justice. 20 years” combines a diversity of concepts and ideas relevant to understanding challenges facing contemporary society – and proposing possible solutions.
“Landscape, law and justice. 20 years” combines a diversity of concepts and ideas relevant to understanding challenges facing contemporary society – and proposing possible solutions.

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New book with open access about research on landscape, law and justice during the last 20 years

An international group of researchers explores the concepts of landscape, law and justice in the new anthology Landscape, law and justice – 20 years. The articles have themes such as legal landscape, customary rights and landscape, commons, cultural heritage and identity, migration and exclusion, justice and injustice, and landscape as a basic structure of society.

The current volume of proceedings comprises twelve articles based on presentations at the symposium, addressing the following questions: What influence has the bringing together of the concepts of landscape, law and justice in 2002–2003 had on research in the succeeding 20 years? What is the current status of research on the relationships between landscape, law and justice? What contribution can research with a landscape, law and justice approach make to understanding and solving today’s most important challenges? Interlinking themes elucidated in this book include the landscape concept, legal landscapes, informal law and landscape, commons, landscape as heritage, landscape identity, migration and exclusion, justice and injustice, and landscape as a fundamental structure of society.

The volume is a result of an symposium held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities in Stockholm 2022. The symposium marked the 20th anniversary of the work of the international research group Landscape, Law and Justice

– This book combines a diversity of concepts and ideas that are relevant to understanding and proposing possible solutions to challenges that modern society faces. Challenges such as ethno-nationalism, environmental and spatial injustice, global warming and sea-level rise, migration and social exclusion, and plural versions of history and morality, says Michael Jones, one of the editors.

Editors: Michael Jones, Amy Strecker, Gunhild Setten & Don Mitchell (eds)

Authors: Erling Berge, Frode Flemsæter, Tomas Germundsson, Michael Jones, Päivi Kymäläinen, Ari Aukusti Lehtinen, Tom Mels, Don Mitchell, Kenneth R. Olwig, Tiina Peil, Gunhild Setten, Amy Strecker

ISBN: 978-91-88763-57-0
ISBN (pdf): 978-91-88763-58-7
ISSN: 0348-1433
Published: November 2024
Soft cover
260 pages
Series: Konferenser 113
Price: 280 SEK

The volume is also available as open access.

Distribution via Eddy.se. Order or download.

More information:
Ulrika Gustafsson, editor, Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien, ulrika.gustafsson@vitterhetsakademien.se

The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (Vitterhetsakademien) advances and funds research in the humanities and social sciences and in cultural heritage management. Its work is financed by donations and by public and private foundations. Vitterhetsakademien also owns and manages several historic buildings and sites: Skånelaholm Castle in Uppland, Stjernsund Castle in Närke, Rettig House in Stockholm (which houses Vitterhetsakademien’s office), the villages of Stensjö in Småland and Borg and the ruins of Gråborg on Öland.

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Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien har som sitt främsta syfte att främja och finansiera forskning inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap samt kulturmiljövård. Vitterhetsakademien förvaltar också de egna kulturfastigheterna Skånelaholms slott, Stjernsunds slott, kulturreservatet Stensjö by, Borgs by och Rettigska huset i Stockholm. Vitterhetsakademiens förlag publicerar ett antal vetenskapliga skrifter varje år samt samarbetar med andra förlag. Läs mer på www.vitterhetsakademien.se.


Ulrika Gustafsson

Ulrika Gustafsson

Redaktör, projektledare 08-4404280

Relaterat innehåll

Den nya antologin "Landscape, law and justice" kombinerar en mångfald av begrepp och idéer som är relevanta för att förstå utmaningar som det samtida samhället står inför – och föreslå möjliga lösningar.

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I den nya antologin "Landscape, law and justice – 20 years" utforskar en internationell forskargrupp begreppen landskap, lag och rättvisa. Texterna har teman som juridiska landskap, informell lag, allmänningar, kulturarv, identitet, migration och utanförskap, rättvisa och orättvisa samt landskap som en grundläggande struktur i samhället. Boken finns även att ladda ned som gratis pdf.

Stödjer forskning – inom humaniora, samhällsvetenskap och kulturmiljövård

Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien har som sitt främsta syfte att främja och finansiera forskning inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap samt kulturmiljövård. Vitterhetsakademien förvaltar också de egna kulturfastigheterna Skånelaholms slott, Stjernsunds slott, kulturreservatet Stensjö by, Borgs by och Rettigska huset i Stockholm. Vitterhetsakademiens förlag publicerar ett antal vetenskapliga skrifter varje år samt samarbetar med andra förlag. Läs mer på www.vitterhetsakademien.se.

Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien

Villagatan 3
114 32 Stockholm